Parish Second Collections
Supporting the Local, National, and Universal Church
National and Local Second Collections
Jesus reminds us that the two greatest commandments are to love God with our whole heart, our whole mind, and our whole soul; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. The national and local collections offer us an opportunity to help our neighbors in the light of the Gospel. In doing so, we act as faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us.
These collections are to be taken up at all the Masses in all parishes, missions, chapels, and stations of the Diocese of Tyler. Please give generously to these collections.
Second Collection Schedule for 2024
Second Collection Schedule for 2025
National Collections
The Diocese of Tyler embraces the national collections as an opportunity to tell the good news of the Church at home and around the world and we rightfully trust the faithful to make wise and deliberate decisions about their charitable works. Each of these important collections is worthy of support and represents the community of faith at work in the world, saving souls and improving lives. Catholics are encouraged to view the national collections in the light of stewardship and of sharing. We are bearing witness to Christ’s loving presence in the world and carrying forth the evangelizing mission proclaimed in the Gospel in a special way.
For the Church in Latin America
For many in Latin America and the Caribbean, a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers all present obstacles to practicing the faith. Your support for the collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, priestly and religious formation, and other programs to share our Catholic faith with those who long to hear the Good News of Christ.
Collection Date: January 22, 2023; January 28, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
This Collection supports the Church in more than 25 countries that still struggle to recover from former communist rule. Funds from this Collection support pastoral care, catechesis, building renovations, and seminary formation. Your support restores the Church and builds the future in this region. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the Collection.
Colletion Date: February 22, 2023; February 14, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For Black and Indian Missions
This Collection has for the last 131 years, changed the landscape of evangelization and education efforts for Native Americans, Alaskan Americans and African Americans throughout the United States. Our financial support of the Collection is the mechanism that affects the Church’s evangelization efforts. We all agree that never have the needs for the Native Americans, Alaskan Americans and African Americans communities been so great.
Collection Date: February 26, 2023; February 18, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For the Holy Land
Every year on Good Friday, a collection is taken up in Catholic Churches to support the work of the Franciscans working in the Holy Land. Christians there rely heavily on the help that comes to them from this worldwide collection. The Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land have the unique responsibility to care for the Holy Places as well for the “Living Stones,” the Christians living there. It is vital that we support Christians living in the Holy Land, in order to maintain a Christian presence in the very land made holy by the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus.
Collection Date: April 7, 2023; March 19, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For Catholic Home Missions
Over 40% of dioceses United States and its territories are considered mission territories, because they are unable to fund essential pastoral activities needed in their communities. Your support funds religious education, seminary formation, lay ministry training, and other programs that build vibrant faith communities right here in the United States.
Collection Date: April 30, 2023; April 28, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For the Catholic Communications Campaign
Your support helps the Catholic Communications Campaign connect people to Christ and builds Catholic communities in the United States and around the world using the internet, television, radio, and print media. Some of these funds remain right here in the Diocese of Tyler to support our communications efforts. Be a part of this campaign to spread the Gospel message.
Collection Date: May 21, 2023; May 19, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For Peter's Pence
The Peter’s Pence Collection unites us and Catholics around the world more closely with the Holy Father in two ways: it supports the structures of the Holy See through which the Pope governs the Church as well as his charitable efforts to assist victims of war, oppression, natural disasters, and others most in need. Please be generous.
Collection Date: July 2, 2023; June 30, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For the Church in Africa
This collection supports the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. The people of Africa are joyous and faith-filled, but as the Church in Africa grows, the pastoral needs of the people also increase. From the formation of clergy to communications programs that bring the Gospel to remote territories to youth ministries that engage the next generation of disciples, the Church’s needs are wide-ranging. The Solidarity Fund is an opportunity for our parish to stand with the people of Africa. Our contributions help them face these challenges, and we support them as they build lasting foundations of missionary discipleship.
Collection Date: July 23, 2023; July 21, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For the Catholic University of America
The Catholic University of America is a national research university with 5,700 undergraduate and graduate students in more than 250 academic programs on a residential campus in the heart of Washington, D.C. Founded by a papal charter in 1887, Catholic is the national university of the Catholic Church in our country and strives to educate future generations of leaders through an excellent education grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition. The collection is a critical pillar of support for students and the entire University community.
Collection Date: September 3, 2023; September 1, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For World Mission Sunday
By Baptism, all Catholics are called to participate in the mission of the Church, called to share their faith as missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support for the pastoral and evangelizing programs and needs of more than 1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and remote regions of Latin America. The funds gathered on World Mission Sunday are distributed in the pope’s name by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith—a Pontifical Mission Society.
Collection Date: October 22, 2023; October 20, 2024
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Parish Resources:
For the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS), was created by St. John Paul II to provide the Catholic Church’s full range of pastoral ministries to Catholics in the United States Armed Forces, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers, those in civilian jobs at the service of the federal government outside U.S. borders, and their families. The AMS is geographically the nation’s largest archdiocese, spanning the globe. AMS-endorsed priests go wherever American servicemen and women are stationed, bringing them the sacraments, spiritual support and the Good News of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.
Collection Date: Not taken in 2023-2024
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Parish Resources:
For the Retirement Fund for Religious
Across the United States, hundreds of religious communities lack financial resources sufficient to meet the retirement and health-care needs of aging members. Like you, senior religious have offered their lives in service and prayer. Elderly religious need your help. Thousands of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests served for years in Catholic schools, hospitals, and parishes—often for little to no pay. Now, many religious communities do not have enough retirement savings and struggle to provide for aging members. Your gift to today’s Retirement Fund for Religious collection helps provide medications, nursing care, and more. Please be generous.
Collection Date: December 10, 2023; December 8, 2024
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Parish Resouces:
Diocesan Collections
In addition to the national collections, the Diocese of Tyler also asks for support for local programs and ministries throughout the year.
For Catholic Schools
This collection is taken up each year during Catholic Schools Week. Funds support operations and programs for Catholic schools in the Diocese of Tyler.
For Hunger Relief and Catholic Charities
Two collections are taken up annually, during Lent and near Thanksgiving, to support the work of Catholic Charities – Diocese of Tyler, providing for hunger relief and other needs for people in need here in Northeast Texas.
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For the Monastery of the Infant Jesus
Each year on Mother’s Day weekend, the Diocese of Tyler holds a second collection to support the cloistered Dominican Sisters at the Monastery of the Infant Jesus in Lufkin, Texas.
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For the Diocesan Priests' Pension Fund
On Father’s Day weekend, a special diocesan-wide second collection provides additional funding to the Priests Pension Fund for the Diocese of Tyler.
For the Needs of Priests (Caring for Priests)
The second collections taken up across the diocese on Easter and Christmas go to the on-going needs of current and retired priests, including health insurance, medical expenses, and other physical and spiritual needs of our priests as determined by the bishop.
For Disaster Relief
From time to time, when extraordinary situations warrant, the bishop will call for an emergency collection to be taken to assist with humanitarian needs and recovery efforts of impacted communities and the Church. Depending on the needs, these funds will support humanitarian relief and reconstruction efforts organized by relief agencies.