Natural Family Planning
What is Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning?
Natural Family Planning (NFP) and Fertility Awareness Based Methods allow a woman to track the fertile and infertile times during her reproductive cycle. She can use this information to better understand her health. NFP relies on specific methods in which a couple learns to observe the woman’s naturally occurring signs of fertile and infertile phases during a menstrual cycle. Couples can use this knowledge as a tool in their family planning and to better understand their combined fertility. Using fertility awareness and NFP is ultimately to accept the divine gift of spousal unity in marriage.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued diocesan standards. They state:
“NFP reflects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life and promotes openness to life and the gift of the child. By complementing the love-giving and life-giving nature of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife.” — Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry

We’re engaged, what do we do next?
Join an introductory class.
Option 1: NFP Life: An Online, On-Demand Catholic Course you can watch at your own pace with tools to help you continue learning. This is a great option for couples in marriage formation.
Option 2: NFP Basics: An Online, On Demand Course that is great for couples who need the convenience of going through the intro class online, but also want to connect with a live NFP Coach and more personalized help on how to continue with a specific NFP method.
Option 3: Vitae Fertility Education: Live online class that takes place the 3rd Tuesday of every month. This is a great option for fulfilling marriage formation requirements.
We’re married, how do we get started?
Step 1:
Take a class online or in person. See your online introductory class options to the left.
Step 2:
Pick your method. Choose and learn the fertility awareness method of your choice. See the options below.
Step 3:
Ongoing support. Your Certified Instructor will help you learn the method confidently through the various stages of your fertility awareness journey.
Liga de Pareja a Pareja: Clases Virtuales y Cursos a tu propio ritmo están disponibles Una serie de tres vídeos con ejercicios y material para descargar sobre el Método de la Ovulación Billings, método de Planificación Familiar Natural (PFN).
Método de Marquette (Whole Mission): Clase Individual en linea
NFP Methods
There are three categories of NFP methods: mucus only, sympto-thermal, and sympto-hormonal methods. Click on the categories below for a brief explanation and to see a list of classes and instructors available in the Diocese of Tyler.
Having trouble choosing a method? The Fertility Awareness Database provides practical resources and helpful tools for women and couples as they begin their fertility awareness journeys. If you’re having trouble choosing an NFP method, visit for additional resources and support.
- Instructors in the Diocese of Tyler
- Cervical Fluid Methods
- Sympto-Thermal Methods
- Sympto-Hormonal Methods
The cervical fluid method requires the individual to track the characteristics and sensations of cervical fluid. By observing changes in cervical mucus each day throughout the menstrual cycle, a woman is able to note the fertile and infertile times in a cycle. Additionally, she is able to monitor overall gynecological health. In addition to helping couples achieve or avoid pregnancy, these methods can help evaluate infertility, repetitive miscarriage, recurrent ovarian cysts, pelvic pain, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and more.
Methods & Instructors Available:
Creighton Model
- Website
- FertilityCare Medical Consultant: Dr. Sarah Chavez, M.D. (Bilingual), Diagnostic Clinic of Longview Website
Learn more
Billings Ovulation Method Association – USA (BOMA-USA)
- Website
- Online, self-paced classes (English and Spanish) are available at BOMA-USA and Aprende PFN en Linea.
- Instructor: Dan & Natalie Herrera (Bilingual),
FEMM Health (medical management)
The sympto-thermal method requires the individual to track the characteristics and sensations of cervical fluid (i.e. wet feeling, stretchy mucus when wiping) and monitor the basal body temperature (i.e. taking your temperature at the same time every day when you wake up). By following these signs and consistent charting, an individual is able to determine the beginning and ending of the fertile window of a cycle.
Methods & Instructors Available:
Couple to Couple League
- Website
- Online live and self-paced classes are also available on the CCL website.
- Instructors: Dan & Natalie Herrera, (Bilingual)
Liga de Pareja a Pareja
- Sitio web
- Para encontrar una clase en línea o virtual, haga clic aquí.
SymptoPro Fertility Education
- Website
- Online Classes available on their website.
The sympto-hormonal method is a system that involves an electronic fertility monitor, which is a device that is used at home to measure hormone levels in urine, which estimate the beginning and ending of the fertile window of the cycle. The information from the monitor is used in conjunction with observations of cervical fluid and basal body temperature.
Methods & Instructors Available:
Marquette Method
- Instructor: Linda Chao, Text: (214) 960-7011, Website:
- Online Instructor: Rachel Interiano, Email:, Website:
Available in English and Spanish. A variety of live online class options (group, individual, post-partum, and others) are taught through a secure video meeting platform. All class options include individual follow-up for a minimum of one full year, and course documents are included. To see a listing of all available course options, please click here.
NFP Medical Providers

My Catholic Doctor
Variety of medical professionals available for in-person or telemedicine consultations.

Dr. Sarah Chavez, M.D
Fertility Care Medical Consultant, Bilingual, Diagnostic Clinic of Longview
Phone: 903-232-8100