Life and Justice
Protecting the Dignity of the Human PersonThrough efforts aimed at Life and Justice, our primary mission is centered on Catholic Social Teaching’s recognition of human dignity of life for all persons from conception to natural death, welcoming immigrants, and caring for prisoners.
These efforts include: sanctity of life, outreach to the poor, care for the sick, prison/jail ministry and restorative justice, supporting mothers in need, special needs, immigration and refugee services, Encourage Apostolate, miscarriage and infant loss support, post-abortion healing, medical ethics, end of life care, racial harmony, care for the environment and creation, and faithful citizenship.
Our goal is to spread the Gospel through education, advocacy and pastoral support for the marginalized while assisting parishes and apostolates to develop social ministry programs.
- Catholic Charities – Diocesce of Tyler
- Society of St. Vindent de Paul Council of East Texas
- Gabriel Project of East Texas (Free and confidential pregnancy help)
- Project Rachel (Hope and healing after abortion)
- Prison Ministry
- Special Needs Ministry
“The Church cannot neglect the service of charity any more than she can neglect the Sacraments and the Word”
For questions about our efforts and ministries, please contact: