by Peyton Low | Feb 23, 2018 | Bishop, Life and Justice
The protection of human life, from the moment of conception to natural death, is an issue of primary importance in the United States, and the State of Texas. Every adult Catholic should vigorously defend life, both in the public square and in the voting booth. All...
by Peyton Low | Feb 26, 2017 | Life and Justice
Join Catholics from the Diocese of Tyler and fellow Texas Catholics at the Capitol in Austin to promote life, dignity and the common good on April 4, 2017. Catholics from across the Lone Star State will unite for the Texas Catholic Conference’s 2017 Texas...
by Peyton Low | Feb 1, 2012 | Bishop, Life and Justice
The Diocese of Tyler wants to make clear, that as Catholics, we are opposed to procedures that violatethe dignity of the human person, and we do not cooperate in this being done to others. As Americans,we should enjoy the religious liberty to have no part in their...