by Deanna Johnston | Nov 7, 2023 | Catholic East Texas, CET: Marriage
Last year, the Vatican published Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life, a document outlining the Church’s desire to accompany and evangelize couples seeking the sacrament of marriage in a more intentional way. This “pathway” is meant to draw couples into deeper...
by Deanna Johnston | Nov 7, 2023 | Catholic East Texas, CET: En Español
El año pasado, el Vaticano publicó Caminos catecumenales para la vida conyugal, un documento que esboza el deseo de la Iglesia de acompañar y evangelizar a las parejas que buscan el sacramento del matrimonio de un modo más consciente. Este “camino” pretende...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Nov 6, 2023 | Catholic East Texas, CET: Theology 101
To a non-Catholic, or perhaps even to the typical Catholic, if we try to explain too much of the liturgical year, things can get confusing really quickly. For instance, how do we know if we’re celebrating St. Patrick’s Day when it falls on a Friday in Lent? Is the...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Nov 6, 2023 | CET: En Español
Para un no católico, o quizá incluso para el católico típico, si intentamos explicar demasiado el año litúrgico, las cosas pueden volverse confusas muy rápidamente. Por ejemplo, ¿cómo sabemos si estamos celebrando el Día de san Patricio cuando cae en viernes de...
by Elizabeth Slaten | Oct 30, 2023 | CET: St. Philip Institute, News
The Faith Formation Department of the St. Philip Institute held the annual diocesan catechist conferences at St. Therese Catholic Church in Canton this year. In his homily at the Mass for the Day for Catechists in 2013, Pope Francis said catechists “are people who...
by Diocesan Staff | Aug 18, 2023 | CET: Ask a Priest
By Father Juan Pedro Gonzalez Dear brothers and sisters, the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you. Today, we have a great need in our life of faith; I speak of the importance of baptizing children. We must all...