Open Wide the Door

Open Wide the Door

“Do not be afraid! Open, indeed, open wide the doors to Christ! Open to his saving power…Do not be afraid!” Pope St. John Paul II Before kindergarten graduation, my classmates and I were each given a sheet of paper. We were told to draw what we wanted to do when...
Novissima Pt. 4: Purgatory

Novissima Pt. 4: Purgatory

This article is the final article of a four part series. The previous article in this series can be found here. We know that there is a Heaven and there is a Hell, realities attested to by the constant teaching of the Church and Sacred Scripture. As I consistently...
Novissima Pt. 4: Purgatory

Novissima Pt. 3: Death

This article is part three of a four part series. The previous article in this series can be found here. We have to be prepared, because we do not know when God will call us (cf. Matthew 24:43; 25:13). In order to be ready for our personal judgment, it is important...