by Elizabeth Slaten | Mar 4, 2022 | CET: En Español
Al leer los Evangelios, nos encontramos a Cristo diciendo muchas cosas difíciles. Una de esas cosas apremiantes que nos ofrece es su enseñanza sobre el matrimonio. Oímos a Cristo decir cosas como: “Así pues, lo que Dios ha unido que no lo separe el hombre” (Mc 10:9)...
by Diocesan Staff | Mar 1, 2022 | CET: Living the Faith
As Christians, we are called to guard and protect the dignity of the human person. This can take many shapes and forms, from praying in front of an abortion clinic to caring for the sick and elderly. In the Diocese of Tyler, we are blessed with many different...
by Diocesan Staff | Feb 24, 2022 | CET: St. Philip Institute
The Family Life Office hosted the very first Water to Wine Date Night on Friday, February 18th at St. Mary Magdalene in Flint. 24 Couples from around the diocese gathered to enjoy food, wine, and fellowship. The evening was highlighted by a watercolor workshop led by...
by Diocesan Staff | Feb 21, 2022 | CET: St. Philip Institute
The Faith Formation Office of the St. Philip Institute held a Catechist Training Seminar St. Therese of Lisieux in Center, TX on February 19th. Forty catechists from the Southeast Deanery participated. Teresa Ramirez giving the Spanish presentation. Catechesis learned...
by Fr. Gavin Vaverek | Feb 18, 2022 | CET: Ask a Priest, CET: Learning the Faith, CET: Marriage
Why do we need a Tribunal? The Tribunal is the Church’s court with expertise on judging the validity or authenticity of a marriage. The Tribunal process is important because “What God has joined together, no human being must separate” (Mt 19:6). But, how do we know...
by jgomez | Feb 18, 2022 | CET: En Español
¿Por qué el Sacramento del Matrimonio es esencial para la pareja? ¿Y por qué es éste tan importante y necesario para las personas que viven en una unión meramente civil o en cohabitación? Estas son dos preguntas importantes que podemos abordar, para hacerlo...