by Elizabeth Slaten | May 6, 2022 | CET: Living the Faith, CET: Witness Stories
“This crucifix that I wear,” the coach explained, reaching for the crucifix he wears around his neck, “I got it from Mike Tomlin, who is the (Pittsburgh) Steelers coach. He always wears it at game time. Even though I bring the Faith into our program, this is the first...
by Elizabeth Slaten | May 6, 2022 | CET: En Español
“Este crucifijo que llevo”, explicó el entrenador, alcanzando el crucifijo que lleva al cuello. “Me lo dio Mike Tomlin, que es el entrenador de los Steelers. Siempre lo lleva puesto a la hora del partido. Aunque lleve la fe a nuestro programa, esto es lo primero que...
by Elizabeth Slaten | May 3, 2022 | CET: Living the Faith, CET: Witness Stories
The following is additional content from the interview with Phil Olson and the Catholic East Texas for the cover story in the Spring 2022 print edition. You can read the first part of this interview here. Phil Olson is the director of track and field/cross country at...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Apr 26, 2022 | CET: Learning the Faith, CET: Theology 101, CET: Year of Mary and the Eucharist
Among most Catholics today, the mention of St. Faustina is associated immediately with the feast of Divine Mercy, the chaplet, and the novena, and for good reason. These were the primary tasks given to young Maria Kowalska as Jesus began to reveal his plans for her...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Apr 26, 2022 | CET: En Español
Entre la mayor parte de los católicos de hoy, la mención de Santa Faustina se asocia inmediatamente con la fiesta de la Divina Misericordia, la coronilla y la novena, y con razón. Éstas fueron las tareas principales encomendadas a la joven María Kowalska cuando Jesús...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Apr 19, 2022 | CET: Learning the Faith
If someone asks you to identify the single most important doctrine in Christianity, how would you reply? It’s probably not the principle of double effect. Could it be the fall of Adam and Eve? Creation itself? The infallibility of Scripture? All of those are fine and...