Get Out of the Boat

Get Out of the Boat

One of my favorite Gospel stories is Matthew 14:22-33, the story of Jesus walking on water.  In fact, I like this story so much, there’s a large painting of this scene in my office. We’ve all heard this reading at least once in our lives… How the disciples were...
A Treasure in Clay

A Treasure in Clay

Recently, news spread from the Diocese of Peoria that the Beatification of Venerable Fulton Sheen, which had been scheduled for December 21, would be postponed. The press release gave few details, merely noting that a group of American Bishops asked for further...
The Virtue of Hope

The Virtue of Hope

Hold Your Head high Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI once said, “One who has hope lives differently.” If you think about it, he’s exactly right. Whether your hope is in something or someone in this world or has its proper meaning as a theological virtue, your life is lived...