Bishop’s Statement on Communion and Scandal

Bishop’s Statement on Communion and Scandal

“He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 I feel compelled to speak to you with the clarity that flows from the Word of God and the Deposit of Faith...
Bishop Strickland Speaks at Local Prayer Rally

Bishop Strickland Speaks at Local Prayer Rally

Bishop Joseph E. Strickland joined several local religious leaders for an Inter-Faith Prayer Rally at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Tyler on Oct. 17. Several hundred people were present as the speakers reflected on scripture pasages and prayed for the...
Diocesan Rosary Novena Oct. 7 to Nov. 30

Diocesan Rosary Novena Oct. 7 to Nov. 30

Bishop Joseph E. Strickland is encouraging the faithful of the Diocese of Tyler to participate in a 54-Day Rosary Novena beginning Oct. 7. During the Novena, Bishop Strickland asks those praying to reflect on 1 John 4:16 – “We have come to know and to...
Welcome to East Texas: Message for Newcomers

Welcome to East Texas: Message for Newcomers

Dear Newcomers to the Diocese of Tyler, I want to welcome you wholeheartedly to East Texas and the Diocese of Tyler. Let us pray that your move to the piney woods is filled with blessings and new opportunities. I’m sure that as you get settled it will be very evident...
Letter from Bishop Strickland to the Flock of Tyler

Letter from Bishop Strickland to the Flock of Tyler

Dear Flock of Tyler, As we move through these post-Pentecost days of Ordinary Time, let us continue to seek the peace and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As your bishop, I want to address the controversy that the Church is facing at this time regarding our national...
Statement on Vaccines

Statement on Vaccines

Bishop Joseph Strickland has released a statement calling on Catholics to reject certain vaccines for COVID-19. READ: Bishop Strickland’s Statement (Dec. 8, 2020)