by Mikki Sciba | May 31, 2022 | Family Life
Prudence is a virtue that helps you think through things and act in ways that are right, good, and pleasing to God. God gives us free will so we can choose to do what is good. Prudence tells us what is good, when to do it, and how to do it. Prudence helps you to know...
by Mikki Sciba | May 24, 2022 | Family Life
There are many parts of the Mass that can be mentioned here to help children understand what’s going on in the Mass, but I will focus more broadly on three things: prayer, Scripture, and the family meal. Pope Paul VI said, “The Mass is the most perfect...
by Mikki Sciba | May 24, 2022 | News
Hay muchas partes de la Misa que se pueden mencionar aquí para ayudar a los niños a comprender lo que ocurre en la Misa, pero me centraré de manera más general en tres cosas: la oración, las Escrituras y la comida familiar. El Papa Pablo VI dijo: “La Misa es la...
by Mikki Sciba | Jul 15, 2019 | News
Growing up I thought patience was just waiting peacefully for something to happen. Everybody has to wait for something. We wait in traffic. We wait for our significant other or children to get ready for a night out. We wait on food delivery, to be seen at the doctor’s...
by Mikki Sciba | Apr 15, 2019 | Family Life
Throughout life we have been presented with a variety of questions. Some were light and easy while others were more difficult and complex. Can you think of a question you had to answer that would change your life forever? Jesus proposed the most important question of...