The Catholic Diocese of Tyler

Lent as a Family

Lent as a Family

Many years ago, I was inspired by some friends to do something I had never done … run a race. I fell in love with the idea. But at that point in my life, I was not exercising regularly — and I hate running. Despite my lack of athletic prowess, I decided to register...
Lent as a Family

Cuaresma en familia

Hace muchos años, unos amigos me animaron a hacer algo que nunca había hecho… correr una carrera. Me enamoré de la idea. Pero en ese momento de mi vida, no hacía ejercicio con regularidad, por no mencionar que odio correr. A pesar de mi falta de destreza...
The prophetic mission of the baptized

The prophetic mission of the baptized

When we think of prophets, we may think of people from Scripture like Moses, Isaiah, Elijah, or John the Baptist. These men were bold and fearless. Many miraculous deeds were accomplished by their hands, like the parting of the Red Sea, raising the dead to life,...
The prophetic mission of the baptized

La misión profética de los bautizados

Cuando pensamos en profetas, podemos pensar en personas de las Escrituras como Moisés, Isaías, Elías o Juan Bautista. Estos hombres eran audaces e intrépidos. Muchos hechos milagrosos fueron realizados por sus manos, como la partición del Mar Rojo, la resurrección de...
Baptism: The Gateway to the Life of Grace

Baptism: The Gateway to the Life of Grace

Growing up Catholic, I had heard the word “grace” mentioned many times. I could repeat the definition of grace to anyone who asked. Grace is God’s free and unmerited favor given to a person to help him attain eternal life. But it wasn’t until a few years ago, while I...