by Fr. Gavin Vaverek | Feb 18, 2022 | CET: Ask a Priest, CET: Learning the Faith, CET: Marriage
Why do we need a Tribunal? The Tribunal is the Church’s court with expertise on judging the validity or authenticity of a marriage. The Tribunal process is important because “What God has joined together, no human being must separate” (Mt 19:6). But, how do we know...
by Fr. Gavin Vaverek | Aug 20, 2021 | CET: Ask a Priest, CET: Liturgy
Does the older Mass from before Vatican II offer more perfect worship that the reformed Mass*? The Liturgy of the Mass is always the perfect worship of God. The Holy Mass is always the action of the one and eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ, who offers...
by Fr. Gavin Vaverek | Apr 5, 2020 | CET: Liturgy
In many ways, we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation, a time when a new virus can spawn a worldwide pandemic in 90 days, and a time when we can continually keep up with the spread on our phones. With the endless stream of news and opinions, some are bound to...