by Deanna Johnston | Nov 7, 2023 | Catholic East Texas
Last year, the Vatican published Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life, a document outlining the Church’s desire to accompany and evangelize couples seeking the sacrament of marriage in a more intentional way. This “pathway” is meant to draw couples into deeper...
by Deanna Johnston | Nov 7, 2023 | Catholic East Texas
El año pasado, el Vaticano publicó Caminos catecumenales para la vida conyugal, un documento que esboza el deseo de la Iglesia de acompañar y evangelizar a las parejas que buscan el sacramento del matrimonio de un modo más consciente. Este “camino” pretende...
by Deanna Johnston | Jul 27, 2022 | Family Life
Originally published July 30, 2021. Natural Family Planning Awareness Week is a week that highlights the anniversary of Humanae Vitae (July 25) and the feasts of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26). Dioceses and parishes are encouraged to promote the teaching of the...
by Deanna Johnston | Jul 25, 2022 | News
Originally published May 31, 2019. I became aware of Natural Family Planning (NFP) when I was young; in fact, NFP was an integral part of my family’s return to the Catholic Church. As a child, I remember seeing charts with the baby stickers and the colors. I attended...
by Deanna Johnston | Feb 8, 2022 | News
When an engaged couple informs their parish that they would like to get married, the Church communicates the necessary steps to prepare for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. In the Diocese of Tyler this consists of a mentor couple program, meetings with the priest,...