Theology of the Body Training
Join youth ministers, catechists, and others for a workshop on the Christian anthropology developed by St. John Paul II in his weekly catechesis known as the Theology of the Body. This two-day workshop is intended for anyone in ministry who wants to get a deeper foundation in the vision of John Paul II. Many of our young people and young adults today face very serious questions about marriage, vocation, sexuality, and even gender. In order to adequately respond to those challenges, we need a solid grasp in a theological anthropology, a vision of what the human person really is in the light of revelation.
Our presenter, Jennifer Prather, has given workshops to people across the country and even internationally. Her ministry, Image and Gift, trains people in the holistic vision of John Paul II to see the deep truths about our identity as sons and daughters of God.
Schedule: 9 am to 3 pm, Friday June 7 and 8