The Catholic Diocese of Tyler

In America today, it no longer seems self-evident that we are endowed by our Creator with an unalienable right to life.

We live in a society that has profaned human life. We have seen the horrors of abortion and even the selling of body parts of aborted babies.

We also see the lack of dignity afforded to the lives of those with special needs, the elderly, the poor and the imprisoned.

Every life is a gift uniquely given by God and so has a sacred dignity. From conception until natural death, human life is a sacred gift.

Let’s come together and proclaim this great truth. The time is right for us to give a united witness to the Sanctity of Life.

You are invited to the East Texas Sanctity of Life Banquet which will be held Monday, October 8, 2018, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The banquet will provide interested people from our area to gather for a pleasant meal and some fellowship.