The Catholic Diocese of Tyler

Lent 2025: A Message from Bishop Gregory Kelly

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  I could not have received a warmer and more hospitable reception during all the events surrounding the Mass of Installation last week. I was humbled by the meticulous preparation for the...

Welcome to the
Diocese of Tyler

Our mission is to serve the people living within the diocese, supporting parish priests and the people in our parish and school communities to worship and live according to Gospel values and to evangelize within their local communities through the witness of their lives.

Diocese of Tyler
Featured Programs

2025 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

La promesa anual al obispo

Jubilee 2025

Jubileo 2025 

Catholic Charities

Caridades Catolicas

Vocations Office

Oficina De Vocaciones

Catholic Schools

Escuelas católicas

Diocese of Tyler
Upcoming Events

Catholic East Texas
The Magazine of The Diocese of Tyler

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops